
Monday 19 October 2015


Has anyone had the chance to be in a labour room before? No; that's sure what our answers will be. But I'm very sure we would have watched it in a movie or heard someone talk about it.
Some are so blessed that they don't labour too much before giving birth, some will have to labour for days before the baby comes and the others, after labouring for days will end up being operated.
Giving birth is like struggling for success. At some stage in the struggle, it looks all easy; before you touch the door, it is open. You will have to push the door very hard before it opens and at some times, you will have to pray for God's powerful intervention before you can scale through.
While some don't have to labour at all for success, others have too. No matter where you are, always have it in mind that you are meant for success.
Success doesn't come easily, you have to labour for it, even if your parents are billionaires, and with God's help you will succeed.

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