
Wednesday 10 February 2016


The potters, sculptors and blacksmith are all makers as well as other craftpersons. A potter makes ceramics, a sculptor makes things using wood, clay and the likes, while a blacksmith makes guns, cutlasses, hoes, and knives. All these things they make pass through a whole lot of process: virtually all of them pass through cutting, burning, shaping and so on, and after all the processing, they are advertised for sale; some will buy while the others won't look its way. After buying, they face a lot to satisfy their buyers as well as make their makers appreciated.
We all are wood, clay, metal in the hands of Our creator. We can't and shouldn't expect everyone to like us. We can't expect every person to see something good in us; it is left to us to make them feel quilty for doubting our quality in the first instance. We see many superstars out there but none of them became so in a day, it took perseverance, determination, commitment for them to be where and who they are today. Don't expect a lazy bone to own a mansion because even if he does, he will auction it soon.
Don't feel so carried away by the fact that people believe your are good from serving your numerous purposes; you will be named a failure if you don't. Never forget- being the best should be your watchword, be hungry for victory, be thirsty for heights. Above all, live a life that will make people praise your creator, that will turn them to Him. Don't be a failure to your God and the world.

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