
Tuesday 27 September 2016


Just like yesterday, I remembered when I was seeking admission into the
University; with all my secondary school intelligence and 'guru-mindedness', I spent two years at home. Virtually all my friends had gained admission, I was the odd one among them. Whenever I
went to visit some of them, their mums would tell me they were not at
home. The one who happened to be my best friend started showing attitude- he stopped coming to my house and rarely picked my calls. I was passing by his house when I saw him in a position in which he could not avoid me, we had a quick chat and he made me realise his mum had warned him to stop associating with him due to some weak reasons. I felt in me that kind of pain that can not be explained but instead of stooping low, I waxed stronger.
And today, exactly five years after that day, I am already done with my tertiary education and I'm already serving unlike my best friend who had to change his course to a course that takes seven years to be completed. During the Easter holiday, his mum saw me and was extremely astonished when I told her I'm serving already, she bore a face that had disbelief in it.
Virtually all of us are guilty of this atrocity; we cast our loyal friend struggling to make it out- because he lacks all necessities of life, we turn him to a potential enemy. We see things in a way they never existed- that intimate and faithful friend we do share the least of things with becomes someone whose call is a disturbance. But in all these, we end up coming to realise we have made our lives harder than it ought to be, no one can be your enemy because you alone are your enemy; no one is hindering your success, you are.
Life isn't and can never be static- a filthy rich man can be a pauper by nightfall. You're just being a gambler by condemning a situation with the
person in it. At the end, the winner is always that person you condemned, that person you least expected, that you thought will never be the best. Who knows, he might to be the boss over your head. Above all, let all men be treated equally before you, never look down on anyone because this is planet Earth, you might wake up to see that things have changed. Take heed.

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