
Wednesday 2 December 2015


Have you ever seen a flight of eagles? Or a crow flying alone? A crow is known to fly in groups while an eagle flies alone. Both have benefits and dismerits.
Flying solely increases your speed, your dependency, your courage, your confidence and a lot more about you. You face all problems and share the loss and gain alone. As a sole operator, you will be faced by a lot of obstacles but then, you will soar higher just like the eagle that's if you persevere.
There are different types of group. I expect you to know the type you belong to. It takes a longer time to achieve what a sole operator has achieved because of disagreement, dispute, etc; the members are like obstacles. But if there happens to be unity, you will achieve alot because one member's problem is going to be everyone's problem.
I'm not disregarding any, it's your choice- being a lone wolf or being in a pack. If you will be in a pack, don't just go for any and if you will be a lone wolf, be sure you can survive alone.

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