
Wednesday 28 October 2015


We pray day and night to have kids and when we have them, we neglect their proper upbringing. We leave all the upbringing to their teachers in school, forgetting that these teachers have only a little quota to contribute. They spend most of their time at home. But do you, as parents, spend yours with them. Moral decadence can be traced back to the home, your kids failing morally is as a result of you not tutoring them in the right path. Gone are the days of moral building music, the songs made nowadays are ones that corrupt young kids. It teaches them stuffs that you don't want them to know and you, on your part, are not always at home to monitor and keep them in check. Movies no longer contain lessons but nude and obscene things that make kids derail from the right route. You keep your kids in the care of house-helps who do things that satisfies their taste, thus, bringing your kids to the brink ... Yeah! It's not all that doesn't have time for their kids but the time you have, how do you spend it with them. Do we spend it by watching bad movies or listening to songs that ain't good for them or sending them errands that ignites their curiousity? Or do you inquiry what happen in your absence, maybe someone across the street is sending them to buy things you can't send them to or teaching them things you object. Like we all know, kids of today have a kind of memory that is somehow unique; they learn things quickly, recognise someone they saw once at an instant, etc. As parents, what do you in front of such kids? Do you hurl abuses at someone, fight with neighbours or do something that they grab and do in front of or to their mates.Have you ever visited your kids' school to see how they fare, who they play with and the likes or even in the environment. The friends they make go a long way to determine who they turn into.We attend parties, events, etc. Some are reserved while others attend every party they have an invite for. We at times take our kids with us, exposing them to 'moral havocs' that tends to alter their morals.What do we do, say, see, play, etc around kids? Watch the music they listen to, the movies they watch, the errands they run, the friends they walk with, the events they attend, etc. For your kids to make you proud, you have to teach them to by putting them on the right part most especially, leading them in the Lord's way. Create time for your kids, don't let your job cloud the presence of your kids. Train your kids, prepare your future, that's if you want the best future for yourself and Nigeria. Watch what your kids do and what you do around them!!

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