
Monday 27 April 2015


There is this book someone told me about but I can't remember its title vividly. From the summary, there was a very rich man who was so rich that he could buy inestimable things, he had an eye defect that seemed incurable to every doctor he visited. All efforts to cure this defect seemed futile. After the hope of finding a cure was lost, a doctor showed up in his house one day. He was like the man he had for long waited for. A servant: Sir, a doctor is here to see you. The rich man: A doctor! Let him in. The doctor told him how he heard about his defect, 'I am here because I have a cure to it'. The rich man: A cure you say! He did some test, gave him some drugs and a condition. 'For your defect to be fully gone, the only colour you must see is green, and after a year, I will come and check on you'. The rich man was so happy that at last he would see very well. Funny enough, he couldn't think of another way to carry out the doctor's condition than painting his house and environment green as well as stocking his house with green things most especially paints. He made sure that before he looked at anything, it was of green colour. Finally, it was time for the doctor to visit, he was taken aback when he was bathed with a green paint as a result of wearing a distinct coloured cloth. He was so embarassed and after he had cleaned up, he talked with him. 'Sir, all these are a total waste of money. It would have been better if you have ordered for a green sunglasses which would have made everything you saw green and it would have saved all these'. Sometimes, we find it hard to see the easiest way through something that we end up taking the most difficult. Youths of nowadays find it hard to understand that there is a shortcut to success. Some of us will be like 'shortcut'. Yeah there is! Lecturers of today are like 'if you know the way, you will pass my exams'. Some students' understanding of this is paying the lecturer to pass them and selling themselves, the girls especially. People like them end up having the worst results. Why? They left the shortcut for the long wrong way. To reach success quickly, you have to do the right things, take the right route. All these make it shorter and even faster. These things are things we know but we want to devise things that won't go well. Let us use the easiest shortcut so as to reach success as soon as possible. Don't take the long wrong route!

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