
Sunday 17 December 2017


After an overdose of thoughts and disappointments, 'short sighted' people embed the news daily with grievous headlines. Using excessive pills, hanging oneself, intentional shootings and so on seems to carry the day in this act. But to be honest, there are diverse ways youths have decided to kill themselves deliberately, a gradual suicide which dresses itself in a coat of many colours.

Being of African descent, the black colour has become something I live day by day to appreciate. After all, there's no court I'm going to drag my creator to for dropping me here. Thanks to everyone who has taken it upon themselves to accept the blessings of being born where they were birthed. What doesn't cease to amaze me are the people who chemically pale their skins in order to come to par with naturally fair complexioned people. If they do this to manoeuvre racism, I don't know. There's no credible reason for this kind of act. At the end of the day, when there's no finance to maintain them, they start smelling like hydrogen sulphide and become far worse than their beginning becoming roasted as something to be offered as burnt offering.

It's basically a great thing to look nice and fresh. Nevertheless, it is pathetic to do this at all costs. The alarming rate of illegal and unscrupulous ways youths get money these days is very pitiable. The 'wire-wire' as they call it; Someone even told me they were collecting the dues of our forefathers who were used as slaves back then. Who asked them? They've even gone a little further to put a + by adding rituals to their business.

Girls that have been created with massive amount of the Glory of the Most High have now evolved into 'slay mommas' and 'cicis' all in the name of getting money. They sell their expensive bodies to cheap men. When you contract multiple STDs, no one would be able to help you then. You have then initiated the terminal phase of the suicide's metamorphosis. All your friends and role models that were pushing you would neglect you then. You will be on your own. If you eventually end up in the grave, you get to speak for your actions at the Bema seat of God.

Go and ask the first people how their own suicide went. The suicide is gradual, under an enticing camouflage. Our parents struggle day and night just to make ends meet and give us a befitting legacy but all you do to repay them is by stabbing classes, wasting their efforts accordingly. Do not smoke. Do not drink. Poco a Poco, they terminate a person's life and destiny.

Everyone is doing it doesn't dictate you doing it. What's the motive behind the doing? Why should I do it? What will be my end if I do it? These are basic questions we have to ask ourselves before joining the crowd. I was triggered by something that happened lately to someone close which I believe should not repeat itself. There are many more ways we commit suicide in disguise which we choose to ignore its tenacity.

Let's make our parents proud. My prayer is that they eat the fruits of their labours over us and do not have any reason whatsoever to mourn over anyone. Keep calm and wait for your appointed time. Don't look at my watch. Check your own time on yours. God's precepts are simple and true. Please! I beg you, don't kill yourself.
Accept Jesus.
Believe Jesus.
Confess Jesus.
Thanks for your time.

Ogundimu Oluwatosin

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