
Sunday 29 May 2016


My Democracy, My Country's.
My Government, My Country's.
No water, No light.
No food, No money.
Yet we await a change;
A change we don't truly want to see.
Unless if to fill our pockets.
The pockets filled with nothing;
But deceit and past failures.
Our fathers and fore-ones;
Did a lot to ruin us.
Tribalism, corruption, and too much.
But to change, we kept on;
And now, we want one.
My Democracy, My Country's.
My Government, My Country's.
It all starts from that little hut;
Where we get to discuss every word.
For that change, it starts from every purse;
Where we get to clean it up.
Corruption and tribalism, all stays in our hands;
We control all their works.
For a free top, we journey from the floor.
The foundation, where every other thing can be watched.
If not, we will wait, and it will never come.
A hundred 'Democracies', and we are still the same.
My Democracy, is for the best Nigeria which we'll achieve together;
For the change to be seen.
Happy Democracy!
God Bless Nigeria!!!

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